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Finally, I've Written My First Blog!


My web designer Steve, is probably in shock as he reads this for the first time. It's been about 6 months in the waiting for this. Steve is great, he's patient, encouraging and been keeping things going on this website whilst I do other things. I highly recommend him!

I've so many things from last year that I kept intending to blog about, to say thank you and share how grateful I was for the support and kindness so many of you have shown. Everything from the charity Vintage Day (raising money for Admiral Nurses Isle of Wight), to our Christmas Fair. I could write a blog on each thing with a list of thank yous to everyone from the musicians and stall holders, to all those that attended and supported these events, as well as those that donated raffle prizes (thank you Her Wey Store, Love & Light Yoga and Jenny for all you donated) and help set up . A big thank you goes to the people that made these events happen, you know who you are and you're all awesome! Especially my team, I love you Quirky lot!

In addition to these big events, we also held celebrations for mums to be, birthdays, and celebrated the lives of sadly lost loved ones, which we are honoured to do. We hosted a forest bathing session and monthly cacao & yoga sessions for Sarah from Love & Light Yoga, who is an incredible yoga teacher and inspiring woman, the sessions have been beautiful, thank you. We've had brilliant live music by Sandy Lenny, Brian Thomas, Peter Richardson, John Price Music, Megan The Singer, Apollo Junior Choir and Lucy Charlotte Baker (find them all on Facebook, sorry if I've missed anyone). We had our annual visit from the Harley Biker Rally lot, which I love as I love the bikes and it's great to see the guys and gals. And as for the vintage cars that come, they really enhance the vintage vibe feeling up here in our unique courtyard setting. Shout out to Martin and Helen for letting us enjoy your gorgeous car (and company) so often. We hosted Chatty Things and S.H.I.T Things for Menopause Isle of Wight, which was a privilege to support and be part of. Such inspiring and funny conversations where had, thanks Steph for asking me to host! We've hosted a charity book launch for Admiral Nurses Isle of Wight, Rosie is a wonderful author and it was great to work with her and support the event. Lets not forget all the W.I cream tea and afternoon tea meet ups we've enjoyed here. It's always a pleasure to host for you all. Blossom & Twigs (one of our wonderful neighbours) used the space for a wreath making class. Not only are they inspiring women, but their work is stunning and always inspires me creatively, you should check them out! ( We currently have a collaboration on for Mothers Day so please see my events section for more details). Rattlemouse is our other wonderful neighbour and we've been lucky enough to be able to decorate the tearoom with some beautiful key pieces from the lovely Louise. I love popping in to see what's new in the glorious treasure trove of an antiques and collectables shop that Louise has created with care. Make sure you pop in as you're passing both of these lovely shops.

I am grateful for all of the interactions with you wonderful, interesting customers that I get to meet here in the tearoom, and on the farm in general. If it wasn't for you all, it wouldn't be what it is. I am so grateful for my regulars, who I am missing! The team and I can't wait to see you all very soon :)

I've already got some exiting things booked in and hope to get more collaborations organised so watch this space! I hope to do more of you proud with hosting your celebrations, which the team and I LOVE doing. We really are excited to welcome you all back soon and look forward to the new guests that will visit for the first time.

I hope to spark joy, in some way, for all our guests, and I wish for you all to experience a lovely time here at the tearoom and at Staplehurst Grange.

So with my headscarf and apron at the ready, I'll look forward to seeing you soon


Natalie – at the helm!



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